Wild Sardinia - Hiking along the East Coast - SARD 1

Wild Sardinia - Hiking along the East Coast
Comfort level
7 days - 3 different bases in charming hotels
Starting from: € 720


Wild nature, ancient cultures and stunning beaches of Sardinia’s spectacular East Coast.

The island of Sardinia has long been known for its dazzling sandy beaches and clear crystalline sea, and is immensely popular as a summer retreat not only for the happy few, but also with the more ordinary tourist. Only recently its many unspoilt natural and cultural treasures have been receiving attention from walkers worldwide, but still on a very small scale. This means that it is still possible to wander its many spectacular trails alone, enjoying the peace and quiet of a true hiker’s paradise.

Our trip will take you to the heartland of the wild Supramonte region along Sardinia’s East Coast, without doubt the island’s most spectacular hiking area. Sheer limestone cliffs coloured by wild flowers and the fruits of strawberry trees drop down vertically into the blue Mediterranean Sea, where small sandy beaches open up on vertiginous gorges. Little cultivated valleys carry the fruits of man’s fatigues: above all olive groves and vine yards yielding splendid local wines. Wild animals such as wild boar, the Sardinian wild sheep or mouflons, and many species of bird of prey including eagles, roam the barren Karst plateaus of the mountain ranges occasionally descending into the verdant valleys where lucky encounters with hikers are not uncommon.

During the first two days of your trip you will explore the heartland of the Supramonte of Oliena. You may climb up to the high limestone plateau dominated by the area’s highest peak Monte Corrasi. You will walk through the fragrant Mediterranean maquis along the towering cliffs of Punta Sos Nidos enjoying wide panoramic views on the valley of Oliena and the Su Gologone Gorge. And you may walk through the lush, garden like scenery of the Oliena Valley with its many olive groves and vine yards producing the splendid local ‘Canonau’ wine. On your next day you then set off from the Nuraghic village of Sa Oche with its sacred spring through the unspoilt Lanaittu Valley in direction of the mysterious Nuraghic village situated in a large carst doline on the top of Mount Tiscali. From here you will then walk down to the Flumineddu River Valley and the amazing Su Gorropu Canyon passing through the ‘Steps’ of the Scala Surtana to reach the little town of Dorgali. In case you opt for an extra day at Dorgali, you may well hike to the entrance of the amazing canyon and explore its first and most spectacular part, where the vertical limestone cliffs reach up to 400 metres high.

The next day you will climb up the imposing Flumineddu Valley side to Monte Tuili and the fishermen’s village of Cala Gonone. From here you can see all of the Supramonte! You then walk down to the sea along the spectacular Codula Fuili Gorge with its bizarre rock formations. Here you admire as well the remains of a Nuraghic village located on a natural terrace in the rock, with its panoramic view of the Gulf of Orosei. From Dorgali you then travel on in direction of Baunei, where you make a beautiful round walk on the Golgo High Plateau. Do visit the Su Sterru sink holes, one of Europe’s deepest, before walking down along the rocky path to Cala Goloritze, dominated by its 75 metres high Punta Salinas rock obelisk. Make sure to take your time for a refreshing dive, before walking up again along the Salinas plateau to your pick up point at Golgo again. An extra day may see you walk down to the romantic bay of Cala Luna along the path that follows the bottom of the Codula di Luna Gorge. Finally you will walk from Santa Maria Navarrese along a wonderful path along the coast to the Pedra Longa monolith and back again enjoying the most amazing views on the Coast of Orosei.

Our trip will take you on a discovery of the many natural and cultural treasures of one of the most impervious regions of the beautiful island of Sardinia, yet also offers the opportunity to enjoy some of the area’s nicest beaches and most crystalline seas. An ideal mix of beautiful hiking and some lazy relaxation, topped off by Sardinia’s fine traditional cuisine and strong honest local wines.

Please note: this is a moderately easy tour which is suitable for those who have some experience with walking and a good general physical condition. Most of the walks are on good paths, sometimes on steep terrain. Average walking times:  approx. 3 to 6 hours each day.



Day 1
Arrival in Sardinia. Travel to Oliena by bus (private transfer on request). After being transferred to your hotel you can freshen up and perhaps already make a short walk climbing up to the high plateau of Punta Sos Nidos, a perfect introduction to the wild nature of the Supramonte. In the evening you will enjoy a nice dinner based on local specialties in your hotel’s restaurant.
Hotel *** – Oliena

Day 2
This morning you will walk through a wild limestone landscape, underneath the towering walls of the Supramonte’s highest peaks. This vast area is an isolated land of shepherds, slashed with deep gorges and inaccessible peaks that are home to a rich fauna of eagles, mouflons, foxes, wild cats, and wild boar. From the mountain’s flanks there are airy views across the high belvederes and karst plateaus of the Supramonte and into the fertile valley of Oliena. Halfway your walk you will arrive at the beautiful Su Gologone spring, an opening in the limestone that is the only source of running water in the area. After a well-deserved lunch break you can choose to continue walking to Oliena or travel back there by private transfer. Walking back to Oliena, you pass through a pleasant agricultural landscape of olive groves and ‘Canonau’ vine yards. After crossing a small ancient bridge of Roman origin you then arrive at Oliena where you can freely wander through the old village centre before being picked up again for the ride to your hotel where you have your dinner.
Hotel *** – Oliena 
Distance: 11 (21) km. Approx. 4 (7) h walking.

Day 3
After breakfast you begin your day with a short transfer into the valley of Lainaittu, along the grotto of Sa Oche. Here you can pay a visit to the amazing Nuraghic temple of the Sacred Spring, discovered only recently. You then start your great day walk, which will bring you into the homeland of the Nuraghic people. You start with a rough stretch climbing up towards Mount Tiscali. The underground village of Tiscali, in a depression at the top of the mountain, is perhaps the most scenic archaeological site you will ever see! Then, through a beautiful gorge, called the ‘steps’ (Scala) of Surtana, you descend to the lush valley of the Flumineddu River. Some km. upstream this river has dug the Su Gorropu Gorge, one of the most impressive natural beauties of Sardinia. The gorge looks like a real canyon with dizzy heights up to 500m high. Strong walkers may want to take the extra walk up the river to go and marvel at the amazing gorge. After visiting the gorge you turn back to the bridge over the Flumineddu River in time for your private transfer to your hotel near Dorgali. In the evening you will enjoy a hearty dinner and have plenty opportunity to taste the heady local ‘Canonau’ wine.
Hotel/Agriturismo *** – Dorgali
Distance: 13 (24) km. Approx. 5 (7) h walking.

Day 4
Today you walk from your hotel to the little town of Dorgali, well-known for its artisan tradition of wood and leather working. From Dorgali you then climb up to the saddle of Monte Tuili from where you can admire the whole of the Supramonte. You cross the saddle through an old rock hewn tunnel and then start walking down towards the Codula Fuili Gorge. While walking through the fragrant Mediterranean maquis you will marvel at the fractured vertical cliffs of the gorge and be able to glimpse the dazzling white beach of Cala Fuili. Along your route you also have the opportunity to visit the remains of a tall nuraghe, situated on a natural panoramic terrace. A small path then takes you along the coast to the little village of Cala Gonone where you will have plenty of time to relax on the beach and have an ice cream or refreshing drink before taking the local bus back to Dorgali where you will be picked up for your private transfer back to the hotel. In the evening you may relax with a nice aperitivo one the hotel’s panoramic terrace before having yet another great dinner based on local specialities.
Hotel/Agriturismo *** – Dorgali
Distance: 13 km. Approx. 4 h walking. 

Optional Extra Day
On this extra day you have the opportunity to walk to the amazing Gorge of Gorropu, dug out by the forces of the Flumineddu River. After breakfast you transfer from your hotel to the trailhead of today’s path, near the modern bridge over the river. From here you follow an easy path upstream along the river passing through the fragrant Mediterranean maquis coloured by wild flowers and the red fruits of the strawberry trees. When arriving near the gorge you may climb down into it. Local guides will explain you the nature and geology of the amazing canyon after which you are free to walk in and explore this eerie wonder of nature on your own. By climbing over huge boulders and passing through narrow passages you reach the point where the base of the gorge is only 5 m. wide! From here you turn back to the entrance of the gorge, and back track your route to your pick up point near the modern bridge. Dinner is in the hotel’s restaurant again.
Hotel/Agriturismo *** – Dorgali
Distance: 13 km. Approx. 4/5 h walking.

Optional Extra Day
On this extra day you have the opportunity to walk down the Codula di Luna Gorge to the wonderful little bay of Cala di Luna with its dazzling white sandy beach. After breakfast you will be brought to the start of the walk near Teletotes, between Baunei and Dorgali. From here you then walk all the way down to the coast, following a small trail running along the mostly dry torrent bed. You will admire the most bizarre rock formations while passing in the midst of colourful oleander trees. At the end of the walk you arrive at the sandy Cala Luna Beach, an ideal spot for a refreshing swim. You will then be picked up by boat for the return trip to Santa Maria Navarrese, gliding along high vertical cliffs over the crystalline sea. In the evening you are free to go out for dinner.
Hotel *** – Santa Maria Navarrese
Distance: 12 km. Approx. 4 h. walking.

Day 5
This morning you transfer from Dorgali along one of the most beautiful roads of the island, with great views over the Gulf of Orosei and the nude Supramonte peaks, to the medieval church of San Pietro, on the high plain of Golgo above Baunei. From here you make a great round walk through an amazing, almost ‘Far West’ landscape. Your walk will take you along the great sinkhole of Su Sterru, and a number of natural ponds. From the high plain you then descend towards the coast along the magnificent gorge leading to the little bay of Cala Goloritzè dominated by it’s over 75 metre tall rock needle of Punta Salinas. Here you have time for a refreshing bath in the crystalline water where until few years ago monk seals still swam around. From the little bay you then walk up again to the Golgo high plain by way of the Serra Salinas, offering beautiful views on the coast towards Porta Quau. Through Mediterranean maquis and holm oak forest you reach the Golgo high plain again from where you are then picked up for the ride to Santa Maria Navarrese, where you will spend the next two nights in a nice family-run hotel.
Hotel *** – Santa Maria Navarrese
Distance: 13.5 km. Approx. 4/5 h walking.

Optional Extra Day
You can opt to spend the night on the Golgo highplain and then the next day make a great roundwalk from there. This walk will eventually take you down the beautiful small bay of Ispuligidinie (named after the white pebbles which look like ‘snowflakes’ in Sardinian language). This stunningly beautiful beach, more commonly called the Cala Mariolu bay (named after the monk seal, the ‘thief’ of fish, in Neapolitan). can only be reached on foot (or by boat).  To get here you walk across the wild Golgo plateau, which sometimes resembles a Mexican desert, until you get to the ‘Arcobaleno’, a natural rock arch, from where you’ll anjoy wonderful views over the blue Mediterranean, far below you. After this, a challenging descent (only for sure-footed walkers) will bring you  down to the beach of Ispuligidenie. You will then be picked up by boat for the return trip to Santa Maria Navarrese, gliding along high vertical cliffs over the crystalline sea. In alternative you’ll walk back to your hotel and transfer from there to Santa Maria (or if you wish you can spend another night on the Golgo Plateau). In the evening you are free to go out for dinner.
Hotel *** – Santa Maria Navarrese
Distance: 12 km. Approx. 4-5 h walking.

Day 6
Your last walking day is dedicated to the wild coast immediately south of Santa Maria Navarrese. After breakfast you walk from your hotel through the village of Santa Maria Navarrese to the trailhead of the path leading south along the steep rocky coast in the direction of the limestone monolith of Pedra Longa. You will pass through fragrant Mediterranean maquis dotted with wild flowers and small shady patches of holm oak. During this first part of the walk you will enjoy marvellous views on the spectacular coast of the Gulf of Orosei and the towering Pedra Longa. After arriving at the gigantic rock jutting out of the sea you can climb down to its base for some impressive views from below, before climbing up the quiet tarmac road to the mountain saddle dominated by the Monte Scoine and the Monte Oro. From here an incredibly panoramic gravel road takes you back in direction of Santa Maria Navarrese. The view includes the whole of the bay of Arbatax with its coastal lagoons and red basaltic rocks, against the back drop of the Ogliastra Mountain Ranges. At the end of the walk a short steep descent takes you back down to Santa Maria Navarrese. In the evening you are free to go out for dinner in one of the nice little restaurants in the little village.
Hotel *** – Santa Maria Navarrese
Distance: 13 km. Approx. 3/4 h walking.

Day 7
End of the walking tour. After breakfast you travel by public bus on to your next destination. On request a private transfer can be arranged.

Tour details


Accommodation is on a bed and breakfast basis in 3-star hotels and equivalent agriturismo’s. All rooms have en-suite facilities. Dinners are included except on day 6 in Santa Maria Navarrese when you are free to organise your dinner from the wide choice of restaurants in the village. No picnic lunches are included in the tour price. Materials for picnics can be purchased in the villages where you stay or you can ask your hotel to prepare a lunch packet for you.


  • 2 nights Agriturismo/Hotel in Oliena ***
  • 2 nights Agriturismo/Hotel in Dorgali ***
  • 2 nights Hotel in Santa Maria Navarrese ***
  • All private transfers according to the itinerary
  • Luggage transport throughout the tour
  • Extensive route notes, with description of the route & tourist information
  • Maps at 1 : 25.000 scale (or better)
  • 7/24 h local assistance


  • Departure taxes
  • Visas
  • Travel Insurance
  • Drinks and meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Optional additional tours or activities
  • Tips
  • Items of personal nature



Moderate. In the standard programme there are some more difficult walks, which include some longer sections uphill, sometimes on paths with rough surfaces. Most of the trails are well maintained. Part of the walks can be shortened and some longer options are available.

Fitness: High standard of fitness is not necessary but clients should be able to walk for up to 5 hours a day, also in hot and dry conditions. Some shorter and longer options are available.

Way marking: Few trails are way marked, but they can easily be found using your route descriptions and maps.


Arrival: The tour starts in Oliena. Regular long distance bus services run from Cagliari, Olbia and most other main Sardinian towns and airports to Nuoro, connected to Oliena by regular local buses. A taxi transfer to Oliena can be arranged on request, either from Nuoro, or directly from the airport.
Departure: The tour ends after breakfast on day 7 in Santa Maria Navarrese. The return is most easily made by bus to Nuoro and then on to Cagliari, Olbia or any other main town on the island. A taxi transfer from Santa Maria Navarrese can be arranged on request.

Dates & Prices

Please contact us for the latest prices

GuaranteedYou can book this tour with a minimum of 1 person.
LimitedThere are a very limited number of available places on these dates. Immediate booking is recommended.
On RequestAvailability and prices on request.
  • Prices are per person and based on the season within which the first night of the tour falls.
  • Prices are based on 2 people sharing double or twin accommodation. Single rooms (double rooms – single) are available on most trips however the supplements listed apply.
  • If you are travelling alone then on some trips (which include taxi transfers) a ‘Solo Traveller Supplement’ will be applied instead of the normal single supplement.
  • Prices are expressed in Euro’s. There will never be a currency surcharge.
  • Actual exchange rates: GB £ - US $ - CAN $ - CHF - DKK - SEK - NOK - Other currencies.

Tour variations


It is possible to include extra nights in any of the towns en route. Details and prices on request. Extra walking or sightseeing options can be provided as indicated in the day-to-day programme.


It is possible to extend the tour with one or more nights in Santa Maria Navarrese, in Cagliari or in several other towns or touristic locations.


It is possible to book an upgrade in some of the places en route. Details and prices on request.

Fly-Drive & Hike

Of this tour exists also a so-called ‘Fly-Drive & Hike’ version, Sardinia – Mountains & History above a stunning Coast, which gives you the freedom to do all the walks, or opt for alternatives in the area. Booking a ‘Fly, Drive and Walk’ holiday with Genius Loci Travel means :

  • Lodging in the nicest hotels and agriturismo’s at the most special spots.
  • Carefully planned tours, but that offer you the opportunity to add a personal touch to your holidays as well.
  • Alternative activities for each day: inside tips on sightseeing opportunities
    and cultural highlights, and extensive notes on walking excursions.

You can check out our full range of ‘Fly – Drive & Hike – Walk & Discover Tours’ here.



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Trip name
Wild Sardinia – Hiking along the East Coast
Tour type
Independent Tour
7 days - 3 different bases in charming hotels Starting from: € 720,00
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