PAYMENTS can be made either by credit card or by bank transfer.
Payments by bank transfer (please send proof of payment) have to be made to the following account:
Genius Loci Turismo s.r.l.
Via Antonio Rotondo, 5 84027 Salerno (SA)
Bank Name: Banca Popolare Etica - Agenzia di Napoli
Address: Centro Direzionale Isola G7 – Napoli
Bank account number : N. 000011113206
EU IBAN: IT92 H050 1803 4000 0001 1113 206
For payments by credit card please complete the below form.
Please make sure that your bank has authorized foreign transactions and make sure your ‘Verified by Visa’/ ‘Mastercard Code’ is activated.
For further details you can check the links below or contact your bank.